

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Track your emails using Bananatag

Want to track your sent email ??, whether it opened or not or they just igonored it ? Here is the solution for it,

Hit this link Bananatag 

But, How Bananatag Works ?? 

Bananatag embeds a small, 1 pixel by 1 pixel transparent image in each email, hosted on their servers. When you open the email, Bananatag knows that unique image has been accessed, and can then tell the sender their email has been opened. Similarly, it turns links into short links that head back to its server so they know when they’re accessed (but keeping the original text of the link intact).
Bananatag is available as a Chrome or Firefox extension for Gmail, a plugin for Outlook, or use it with any other web client using a simple tweak to your contact’s addresses.
It’s free for 5 messages a day, but $5 a month gives you unlimited tracking.

How to Avoid Being Tracked ? 

There’s an easy way around it: if you get an email that asks you to display images, just reject your mail client’s request to display them. Obviously you can’t do this for every email, but if you get an email that makes no mention of images but asks you to display them, that’s a hint that the sender may be using a service like Bananatag.
More importantly, don’t ever click a link in an email if you don’t know where it goes.
More techno stuff  @

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